Celia Malins - Counsellor- MBACP - BA (Hons)
How I work
I am an Integrative Relational counsellor who has been psycho-therapeutically trained. This sounds complicated, but basically means that I have been trained to draw upon various psychological theories to best meet your needs - this flexibility ensures that I can offer the most relevant and appropriate counselling for your needs.
No matter how big or small you believe your problem is, you will be met with respect, kindness and openness.
I am very approachable and friendly and understand how daunting visiting a counsellor can be for the first time. I aim to make that initial meeting as pleasant and straightforward as I can.
In my practice I draw from the following theories;
Humanistic (offering a non-judgemental, caring and open space where I take time to understand your needs and values and put them at the centre of our work),
Psychodynamic (talking about your childhood and life so far),
Existential (noticing how you make meaning and sense of your life)
CBT - Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (challenging your thoughts and behaviour patterns) Great for anxiety disorders - Panic, Phobias, PTSD, OCD, GAD, Social Anxiety and Health Anxiety, depression and low confidence and poor self esteem.
Creative Techniques - It may be helpful to challenge the predominance of the thinking part of the brain in order to bring you closer to your feelings; Writing journals, mood diaries, exploring symbols or dreams, changing habits, breathing & mindfulness.
Nutrition and Lifestyle - Noticing the impact of diet, sleep, exercise, stress, hobbies, families and friends has on your life. Click on this link for nhs advice.
12 step approach - can be helpful when working through dependencies such as alcohol, drugs, shopping, sex, love, etc
Each session will last 50 minutes and will be on the same day each week. I am very happy to work with you on a short-term contract (say 6-12 weeks) or on a more open ended basis; this enables us to really explore deeply your patterns and work more closely together.
I will hold everything you say to me in the strictest confidence, unless I am concerned for your safety or that of a child's and I may be obliged, under my code of conduct, to consider breaking that confidence, I would endeavour to discuss this with you.
Continual Professional Development
To ensure I provide a professional, relevant and ethical counselling service, I keep up to date with research on the most effective counselling processes and attend seminars for CPD purposes.

The moment you’re ready to quit is usually the moment right before a miracle happens. Don’t give up

'Awareness is the greatest agent for change' - Eckhart Tolle

'Anyone can become angry - that is easy, but to be angry with the right person, to the right degree, at the right time, for the right purpose, and in the right way - this is not easy.' - Aristotle

'Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom' - Victor Frankl

You really helped me explore my emotional responses to things, I had no idea I would finally understand what was holding me back for all these years. I feel like I have more control now. Thankyou.
M, Twickenham